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Stochastikon GmbH
Stochastikon solves problems by modelling and reducing the uncertainty about the future development. Moreover, it deals with the history of ideas of modern science and develops a stochastic science.
Department of Missiology, Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Münster.
In 1914 the first Chair of Catholic Missiology was founded in Münster, the first Professor was Joseph Schmidlin (1876-1944). Later, other chairs in München, Würzburg, etc. were eatablished. The present professor in Münster is Giancarlo Collet.
Neues Siebold-Forum zu Würzburg e.V.
The aim of the Neues Siebold-Forum is to ameliorate the mutual understanding and the relations to East Asia by organizing exchange of ideas, students and people between East Asia and Würzburg.
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